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West Midlands Metro tram on tracks

Check the temperature before taking the tram!

West Midlands Metro tram on tracks

West Midlands Metro has launched an innovative online ‘heat map’ to help customers maintain safe social distancing when travelling by tram.

Regularly updated, the eye-catching graphic highlights times of the day when the network is expected to be busy and people may find it more difficult to keep a safe 2m distance from fellow passengers.

Carl Williams, Metro Director of Operations, explained: “As some coronavirus restrictions are lifted, we expect to see a gradual increase in the number of people using the tram, and it’s really important people continue to follow the guidance on social distancing.

“While the advice to avoid public transport, if possible, remains in place, for those who do need to use the tram this innovative online graphic will help them to plan their journey in advance and avoid busy times.”

The graphic illustrates differences in customer numbers through the day, turning from green when numbers are low, through yellow to red at peak times – similar to some kinds of thermometer or a heat map.

“We would urge anyone who needs to use the tram to check before they travel and, whenever possible, plan their journey to coincide with ‘green’ times on the heatmap,” Carl said.

“By planning ahead and following other coronavirus advice – including wearing a face covering, keeping a safe distance from fellow passengers, paying for travel in advance and washing hands before and after travel – customers can really help us to keep the network safe for everyone,” he added.

The heat map can be found here

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