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Stay safe - illustration of person wearing face covering

Metro offers customers help in complying with new face covering rules

Stay safe - illustration of person wearing face covering

As face coverings become compulsory on all forms of public transport, West Midlands Metro is helping customers comply with the new rules.

The new government instructions come into force from today (Monday, June 15), and members of the Metro team aim to assist people who haven’t been able to source a suitable covering.

Carl Williams, Metro Director of Operations, explained: “We do have a limited number of spare masks available to hand out to customers who may have been unaware of the changes, or have mislaid their own.

“However, included with the mask will be a small card showing links to the West Midlands Network website, which has details of how to make your own face covering.”

Although customers will not be charged for a mask, the Metro is asking anyone who is given one to make a donation to NHS Charities.

“Of course, face coverings are not a substitute for safe social distancing, and we continue to urge customers to ‘stay safe, stay apart’ in line with current travel advice,” Carl added

Metro has launched a number of online tools to help customers plan their journey, including an online ‘heat map’ graphic that’scolour coded tohighlight when trams are usually busier. This enablescustomers who can be flexible to choose to travel at times when fewer people are using the service.

By using the MyMetro app they can also pay for travel in advance, helping to further reduce the risk of spreading the virus as there’s no need for cash transactions on board the tram.

The heatmap can be found here where customers can also find more information on the introduction of the new face-covering rules.

Details on how to make your own face coveringcan be found at while donations to NHS Charities can be made through

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