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With a monthly direct debit

It not only saves money per journey compared to daily tickets but also includes unlimited tram travel across your chosen zones. 

Simply make a single monthly payment, automatically deducted from your bank account. This means you pay the equivalent of 12 peak-day tickets once a month and then enjoy travel for the rest of the month in your chosen zone without any hassle. So, say goodbye to daily ticket purchases – just tap your Swift card to board and travel stress-free! 

When you pay by direct debit, you'll get...

Unlimited travel in your chosen direction

The cheapest and simplest way to travel on the tram

Monthly savings when you subscribe

Embrace the sustainable way to commute

Paying by direct debit is the cheapest way to travel on Metro

Perfect for daily commuters, our monthly direct debit offers a seamless method for tram travel.

Start saving now!

Apply online with Swift today below...

Swift Logo

New to Swift?

Direct debit tickets are exclusively available online and will be preloaded onto your personal Swift photocard. Your card is reusable for future ticket purchases and renewals, offering convenience and flexibility for your travel needs.

Existing swift photocard holder?

If you already hold a photocard, you can choose to use the Click and Collect service. Just enter your photocard number during your Direct Debit application and collect your ticket onto your card using the Swift Collector in the TfWM app – search ‘TfWM app’ in your app store or by visiting an on-street Swift Collector or Kiosk. Alternatively, you can be sent a new photocard when your ticket is ready.

More Ticket Options

Looking for more flexible ticket options? We have a range of single, day and weekly tickets available.

Plan your Journey

Use our journey planner to find your route, including departure and arrival times.

Zonal Map

Find out where we travel to, as well as more detailed information on each of our stops.

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